Usgbc How Many Continuing Educations Maintain Green Associate

Your green building career starts here!

With increasing demand for LEED expertise, earning a LEED professional credential can increase your opportunities for employment, job stability and promotion, while underscoring your value to project teams and sustainability-focused organizations.

Who can benefit from becoming a LEED® Green Associate?

Widely-recognized, the LEED Green Associate credential is held by a variety of professionals, both in and outside of the green building industry, including:




Project and Facilities Managers

Real Estate Agents

Product Manufacturers and Reps



LEED® Green Associate Study Courses

LEED® Green Associates earn their credential by passing a two-hour, computer based exam comprised of 100 randomly delivered multiple-choice questions.

In order to help you prepare for this first big step CaGBC, Canada's official green building educator, can provide you with a wide variety of learning options. Each of these options is developed and delivered by highly knowledgeable industry professionals experienced with LEED, and each aim to give you the information you need to successfully pass the LEED Green Associate exam.

Workshops – Online and/or in-person:

Click here to find a workshop near you.

On Demands (Online):

Green Associate Exam Prep Course

Education Services

For more information on how to organize an exam preparation course for your staff, visit our Education Services page.

Write Your LEED® Green Associate Exam

The two-hour LEED Green Associate exam is administered through Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), in conjunction with the USGBC. While there are no eligibility requirements to become a LEED Green Associate, it is recommended that candidates have exposure to LEED and green building concepts through educational courses, volunteering, or work experience prior to writing their exams.


Green Associate Exam only

  • USGBC and CaGBC national members: $200 USD
  • Non-members and Chapter Members: $250 USD
  • Full-time students: $100 USD**

For combined exam (both part one, the LEED Green Associate exam, and part two, the LEED AP specialty exam):

  • USGBC or CaGBC national members: $400 USD
  • Non-members: $550 USD

*Please note all pricing is in U.S. dollars and includes application fees which were previously listed separately.

**A discounted student rate of $100 is available for the LEED Green Associate exam. Full-time students who are currently enrolled in a full-time higher education program are eligible to receive the discount. The discount is not available to part-time students, recent graduates, or individuals registering for a LEED AP exam. To obtain the discount, you must affirm your student status when registering for the exam with the USGBC. You will be asked to provide the name of your institution, your student number and your expected date of graduation.

Employees of CaGBC corporate members are eligible to receive a discount for the LEED professional exams. To receive this discount you must contact USGBC either by phone at: 1-202-742-3792 or fill out the contact us form online. Indicate that you are an employee of a CaGBC member company, and your company's name. They will provide you with a discount code to register for your exam at the member price.

Maintain Your LEED® Green Associate

LEED Green Associates must maintain their credential by earning 15 continuing education (CE) hours over a two-year reporting period. This process is designed to ensure continued professional development within the field of green building, to grow knowledge and experience, and to improve job performance.

Earning Continuing Education (CE) hours

Earn CE hours through these to green building related activities:


  • Official CaGBC Education: We offer a variety of courses on a wealth of topics that make earning CE hours enjoyable and accessible. Our courses will also keep you up to date on the latest Canadian innovations and ideas.
  • Building Lasting Change: Attend CaGBC's annual National Conference and Showcase to earn almost all of your required CE hours in one place, while networking with Canada's green building industry and learning from world-renowned green building and sustainability experts.

LEED project experience

  • Document LEED project hours.


  • Credited contribution to a print or digital publication.


  • Volunteer with CaGBC National, a CaGBC Chapter, or a LEED-related non-profit organization.

For more information on what is required and how to earn CE hours, refer to:

The official CMP Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the CaGBC

Next Steps – LEED Accredited Professional (AP)

The LEED AP credential arms you with advanced knowledge in green building, as well as expertise in a particular LEED rating system. There are five different LEED AP specialties, and you must earn your LEED Green Associate prior to attempting a LEED AP with specialty exam.

Online exams can now be scheduled for the LEED Green Associate and LEED AP credential exams – learn more here. Please confirm whether in-person exams are available near you by visiting the Prometic website here. Note that if you have already scheduled your exam at a Prometric test centre but want to take it online, you must cancel your original appointment by visiting

Have questions about course content or registration? Contact us.


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